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Who we are

Fourth Wind Feeders specializes in producing quality feeder insects and raw organic fertilizer. When you feed your plants and animals with our products you can rest assured that they are free of synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, and man-made polymers. We want to provide you with the tools you need to raise healthy animals and flourishing gardens.

Image by Vincent Erhart


We're a cottage farm that focuses on renewable energy, permacuture design, sustainability and supporting local. We practice zero waste farming so everything that is produced is can be used to benefit plants or animals. Our insects go to feed the pets and wildlife of our community and our fertilizer can help gardens flourish everywhere.


Fourth Wind Feeders started as a passion project for a renewable source of fertilizer. Unfortunately the covid-19 pandemic created a drastic disturbance in feeder insect agriculture.  At this point we found ourselves in a position to help our local wildlife rescues and pet owners, so we increased production to help fill the growing need for feeder insects. Because our venture started with the literal "end product" in mind we knew our insects would be the best quality. Since producing a quality fertilizer is our main goal, our farm only ever uses food-grade organic non-GMO grains and organic locally sourced produce.


With the use of renewable energy to power 100% of our farms heating/cooling and humidity needs and an on site permaculture food forest in development, our goal is to be carbon negative in the near future.


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